
CEO, Founder

What is your favorite part of your job?

I get to solve new problems and learn new skills every day.

What is your least favorite part?

Everything takes longer than you want it to.

What is your average workday like?

I start my day getting ready with some mindfulness exercises. Then I start answering emails and making sure that all of the shipments on the platform have trucks.

How social is your job?

Very Social

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your work life balance?


What traits make a person successful in your field?

I think emotional intelligence is the most important quality in a CEO. The second quality that I think is really important is resilience. There are a lot of setbacks and no's and failures in this gig. It's really hard some days, and you have to be able to get through the tough times and be ready to pitch. You have to be ready to pitch you business to a potential customer or investor at any time.

On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you in your career?


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