
Owner and Lead Artist

What is your favorite part of your job?

I get to do a handful of different things everyday in different formats.

What is your least favorite part?

The uncertainty

What is your average workday like?

I wake up, eat breakfast, write out the tasks that need to be tackled for the day and work through them.

How social is your job?

Not Social

How did you end up in your field

I was furloughed from my fulltime job and reached out to folks to see if anyone needed art work done. I sold art on and off before hand at shows and online.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your work life balance?


What traits make a person successful in your field?

A sincere approach and desire to do well by others (yourself included). Tackling things you don't know how to approach immediately and willingness to see it through to the best of your ability.

On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you in your career?


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