
Owner, Presentation Design Specialist

What is your favorite part of your job?

I love that no two-days are ever the same-- I've been able to work with almost 700 different clients of all different sizes from across many industries.

What is your least favorite part?

The pressure and stress of client and contractor management. It's like a never-ending game of Tetris, trying to continuously complete a large volume of projects at a high-level of quality in a short timeframe.

What is your average workday like?

I wake up around 11am and engage in project management sporadically throughout the day-- emails, web meetings, and project review before submitting them to my clients. I'll normally take a 4-6 hour break mid-afternoon and evening. Then starting around 11pm, I'll begin writing creative briefs so my designers can begin work as their day begins. Normally my day will end around 2-3 am.

How social is your job?

Moderately social

How did you get started?

I decided I wanted to specialize in this niche while finishing up my BFA in Graphic Design. But I got my first full-time contract in the field through Craigslist!

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your work life balance?


What traits make a person successful in your field?

Client management is key-- setting clear scope and boundaries, regular communication, and strong negotiation skills. From a creative standpoint-- proficient technical knowledge of appropriate software (Microsoft Office, Adobe CS, Keynote, Google Slides), good understanding of design principles, and exceptional attention to detail. From a business standpoint-- outsourcing where needed, strong organization and time management.

On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you in your career?


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